What Is The A Walk In The Sun (1945) About

1. A Walk in the Sun | Rotten Tomatoes

  • When a GI platoon lands on the beaches of Italy during World War II, the troops face uncertainty and danger with every step.

  • When a GI platoon lands on the beaches of Italy during World War II, the troops face uncertainty and danger with every step. Those who survive the initial landing, including Sgt. Tyne and Sgt. Ward, pursue a mission to take control of a farmhouse and blow up a nearby bridge. When the soldiers are not involved in enemy engagements, they pass the time in conversation while marching through the Italian countryside, but they always keep their objectives in mind.

2. A Walk in the Sun - Variety

3. A Walk in the Sun (1946) - Turner Classic Movies - TCM

  • A platoon of American soldiers captures an Italian farmhouse.

4. A Walk in the Sun (1945) directed by Lewis Milestone • Reviews, film + cast

  • A Walk in the Sun (1945) provides a unique and intimate war experience. We follow a troop as they pass from battle scene to battle scene. The focus is more on ...

  • In the 1943 invasion of Italy, one American platoon lands, digs in, then makes its way inland to attempt to take a fortified farmhouse, as tension and casualties mount.

5. Film Review: A Walk In The Sun, 1945

  • Jun 6, 2017 · A Walk In The Sun proves to be a good film, capturing both the ennui of the downtime that comprises so much of wartime, and also the confusion and isolation.

  • Made in 1945, this is a slightly odd movie, set in the Italian theatre of WWII, replete with baritone ballads [1], and lots of sol...

6. A Walk in The Sun (1945) with Dana Andrews and Company | 4 Star Films

  • Nov 26, 2020 · A Walk in The Sun makes itself out to be a bit grand and simultaneously undermines a certain amount of its ethos as a gritty war picture.

  • Opening as it does with the cover of its source material, A Walk in The Sun makes itself out to be a bit grand and simultaneously undermines a certain amount of its ethos as a gritty war picture. I…

7. Classic Film Review: “A Walk in the Sun” (1945) WWII filmed as it was ...

  • Jun 16, 2021 · Has there ever been a World War II classic that starts as clumsily as "A Walk on the Sun?" Corny ballad with printed sing-along lyrics, ...

  • Has there ever been a World War II classic that starts as clumsily as “A Walk on the Sun?” Corny ballad with printed sing-along lyrics, a poorly-faked landing craft voyage that never gi…

8. A Walk In The Sun: The Definitive Restoration (2-disc Collector's Set)

  • Lewis Milestone, Academy Award ® Best Director winner for All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) directs this compelling drama of American soldiers in combat ...

  • A World War II story of men who were not heroes... but knew the meaning of heroism! Loaded with bonus features.

What Is The A Walk In The Sun (1945) About
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.